Archive for the ‘Merchandising’ Category

Lia = A Clean Shopper

Monday, January 30th, 2006

From the Fashion & Style Section of the 29-January Sunday New York Times, above the fold is the following story featuring none other than Lia Elizabeth Kemeny:

Lia in a Clean Shopper

PARENTS WHO GET THE WILLIES when slipping their children into less-than-pristine grocery carts will be happy to find the Clean Shopper, a cotton liner that fits into the child seat of shopping carts and covers the handle too. “I didn’t want my son to hold the germy metal handle of the carts,” said Missy Cohen-Fiffe, the designer and manufacturer of the quilted liner. “Every time I used it in a store, people asked where they could buy one,” she said. A business was born, and now the Clean Shopper ($29.95) can be ordered in many colors and patterns from or (800) 635-3899. Lest Junior become overly germphobic, parents can desensitize children with a collection of stuffed, plush microbes from the Museum of Modern Art ($7 each at The collection includes a common cold virus, a dust mite, a bedbug and a stomachache. MARIANNE ROHRLICH

Not bad press for 14 months.

Here’s the first blog I found to mention it.