Archive for March, 2008

Color Wars 2008 = @teamclear

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Color Wars 2008

As described by the inimitable Ze Frank, Color Wars 2008 are coming. I have been assignated<sic> to Team Clear(wiki). Ironic given my rainbow-colored twitter backdrop, no?

Back to the Future = TLAPD

Saturday, March 15th, 2008

BTTF Chucks 

Today, of course, is the Ides of March, when Anonymous is slated to protest Scientology again, two days after founder L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday.  But let’s look back to the future to Pi Day, the 14th of March, which is Einstein’s birthday, and, according to Sean at Cosmic Variance, Talk Like a Physicist Day (not to be confused with any other Talk Like a PD).

To celebrate you could read Lucas Kovav’s paper, Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass, which concludes:

Going into physics was the biggest mistake of my life.

Or you might want to see scientists explain their research results on video.  In that case check out  In keeping with our back to the future theme, below is Dr. David Frisch and James Smith’s demonstration, atop Mount Washington, of time dilation, first predicted by Einstein.

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