Archive for December, 2007

This is Google = we’ve got your house surrounded

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

Google Street View

It started with Google maps. Sometime back they added Satellite Views, which show decent images – of my house from above, you can see the white deck chairs out by the pool which is covered by a black tarp. They recently introduced My Maps which lets you share a map with others. Go ahead and add your location to my blog reader map by clicking Edit. Today they introduced Street Views of Boston and its surrounds, where you can actually see your neighbors in the public environment. I figured I would preserve some privacy by being located in the obscure suburbs. But no! Sometime this summer the Google camera truck rolled down Robinson Road and took a picture of our house. You can even see Lia and Alan’s red wagon parked out in front. I can’t wait for the Google picture phone with GPS to follow me around.

P.S.  Now the US government is concerned: BBC article.

P.P.S. See here.