Archive for the ‘Math & Science’ Category

Web Sudoku = Numeric Crossword Puzzle

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

Web Sudoku

Read about Sudoku, its mathematical foundations, and its relation to Latin Squares, on Wikipedia.  There is even a discussion board.

Last Total Eclipse of the Sun Until 8/2008 = Travel to Libya

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

 Path of Totality     Eclipse Site 1

The last total eclipse of the Sun until August 2008 will occur March 29th.  The best viewing will be from two Eclipse-Cities in the southern desert of Libya near the Chad border.  A google search will show many tours, but, as Xavier M. Jubier points out, this is truly one of the most difficult places on Earth to reach.  That’s after you get in the country.  Here is a google search that returns less than 100 on-topic results, specifically excluding tour info.

GigaPxl = Fine Arts

Friday, January 27th, 2006

The Palace of Fine Arts - far The Palace of Fine Arts - detail The

The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, home of the best science museum in the world, the Exporatorium (founded by Frank Oppenheimer – brother of physicist Robert J.), as pictured by the Giga Pixel Project.